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Arts & Récits Autochtones - Eagle Mother

Eagle Mother

2019 - Lauréat d’art

Adam Lenk

Langley, BC
Tsimshian (Metlakatla Band in Prince Rupert)
Âge 9

Une note d'auteur

I am Tsimpshian of the Royal House of Legaic, from Metlakatla, BC. My name is Adam Hunter Lenk, and I am in line to receive the copper shield of our family when I grow older and responsible to take care of our family and be a leader in our community. I sing. I dance. I play violin. I travel to Europe, the USA and in Canada.

In 2012, my older sister was raped by three 18 year old men when she was 12. In 2013, my sister died from an overdose of drugs because she was so sad. She was only 15. So, when I painted this drum, I made sure we can remember her always.

I try to be good in school. I try my best to help my mom and dad at home. I have a happy life today. I want to do singing, dancing, art in my life. My dream is to become a Lego master designer in Denmark one day. Maybe I can design Indigenous lego!

Thank you for letting me apply for this prize. I know the design is not perfect, but I hope that you like it.

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