
Arts & Récits Autochtones - The Modern Native of Two Worlds

The Modern Native of Two Worlds

2019 - Lauréat de récits

Christopher Smoke

Hamilton, ON
Six Nations/Ohsweken
Âge 24

Une note d'auteur

I wrote The Modern Native of Two Worlds because it's something I wished someone would have told me. I would have wanted someone to look at the positives of what I was doing, rather than the negatives. I have felt much shame from myself and others about not knowing my culture to a high degree that is expected of me. I know others feel the same shame because it always feels like we have so much to do to save our culture, and we only have constant reminders that we're not doing enough. My hope is that it will be the reminder to anybody who reads it that they are doing enough. We have so much to learn, but we shame others for not knowing things they "should know", and we turn learning about our cultures into a competition. And the same shame is reflected towards people who know their culture because they are shamed for not pursuing education. I hope that it makes people more aware of the lines we draw even amongst our own people and hopefully it will encourage positivity amongst us all.

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The Modern Native of Two Worlds